Submit Member Biography via Email

To submit your biography via email, please follow the below steps.

  1. Create an email with the Subject “Member Biography Submission”
  2. Complete the questions related to the biography.  For simplicity, you may cut and paste the questions into your email (questions are given at the bottom of this form).  Please clearly indicate the question and response in your email.
  3. Attach up to three pictures to your submission that you would like displayed at the bottom of your biography page.
  4. Send the email to

In order to promote consistency across the biography pages, submissions will be formatted to align with the question and answer format.

The below questions may be cut and paste into your email.  Click here if you are unfamiliar with cutting and pasting.

What is your name? (first and last, required)

What is your AACA Membership number? (required for validation)

What is your email address? (required)

Would you like your email address shared with others? (Yes or No)

Are any other family members also HRR Members? (first last – relationship. One entry per line)

What year did you join Honk, Rattle and Roll?

What would you like to share about yourself? Suggestions: hobbies, occupation, fun facts, etc.

Do you have any personal or favorite web sites, blogs, or forums that you would like to share? Enter the URL’s below, one per line (e.g. A short description after each would be helpful.

What vehicle(s) do you currently own? (one vehicle per line; give year, make and model). Don’t forget your daily drivers!

Of all the vehicles you or your family have owned, which is your favorite and why?

Do you have an interesting vehicle-related story that you would like to share?

If you have any comments regarding this submission please enter them below. Note that anything entered below is not considered part of the biography.


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