Summertime Has Finally Arrived
I don’t know about you, but I consider Memorial Day Weekend to be the start of the summer season. (I guess summer doesn’t technically start until the Summer Solstice happens on June 20, but I’m sticking with my unofficial calendar.) With temperatures in the 80s and 90s this week in Hershey, it sure does feel like summer is knocking at the door. The flowers and trees here at the new AACA Headquarters are in full bloom and look beautiful.
This summer season will be especially sweet for so many of us for so many different reasons. At this time last year, the majority of the world was in a state of shutdown and uncertainty. Today, Pennsylvania announced that we are on pace to have 70% of adults in the state fully vaccinated by the end of June. I know some states are more open than others, but the overall trend in the U.S. points more and more toward a return to normalcy this summer. That means travel and vacations again. That means hosting your family and friends for a barbeque. And the thing that most of us are super happy about… that means lots and lots of car shows!
I’m finding that I am looking forward to both the small and large things we have planned for this summer. Even just the fact that I am putting events and activities on my calendar again is thrilling to me. I am especially excited that the rescheduled and revamped AACA Annual Convention coincides with the start of summer, too! This will be my first official AACA event of this year and I cannot wait to see all of your smiling faces.
So, I say it’s time to put those tops down and get on the road to start this summer off right!
Saratoga Springs Deadline Extended to TODAY!!
Eastern Spring Nationals
Saratoga Springs, NY
June 17-19, 2021
Registration Deadline
Extended: May 28
The registration deadline has been extended until TODAY!! So, quick register online, print out your registration, write your check and mail everything TODAY!! Please also contact Marsha to let her know: 518-863-4987 or billmarsha8@gmail.com.
The Saratoga Region AACA is excited to host you for the Eastern Spring Nationals themed “Horses to Horsepower 2021.” There is so much to see and do here. Cruise Lake George, tour the Jim Taylor collection, visit the Saratoga Auto Museum, experience history like never before, and so much more.
Please note that the $18 charge for the Friday night BBQ also includes FREE admission to the Saratoga Auto Museum.
Gideon Putnam
24 Gideon Putnam Road
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Reservations: 866-746-1077
Reservation Group Code: 9NE73Z
Special AACA Rate: $169 per night
Special room block and rate runs from June 15-20
Come Get Lost in the Woods With Us on the Vintage Tour
Only 2 Days Left to Register!!
All proceeds to benefit the
AACA Building Fund |
Vintage Tour
Lock Haven/Wellsboro, PA
July 11-16, 2021
Registration DEADLINE: May 30
Vehicles Accepted: 1931 and earlier
Limited to 80 participants
One of the more important parts of any tour is bringing everyone together over good food. This is still a very challenging thing to do this year with all of the restrictions still placed on restaurants. Most hotels have even eliminated breakfast. Never fear though as we have found several locations where we can adhere to current social distancing guidelines. For example, one of the breakfasts will be in a fire hall with tables set up where the firetrucks usually park. Two of the lunches will be catered outside in park pavilions. Every day of the tour will have a coffee stop, lunch and supper planned. We also remembered to include a stop for watermelon and ice cream for those so inclined.
The total mileage for the tour will be around 325 miles, with the longest day being 100 miles. The only city traffic we will face will be when leaving the hotel. There will be some intimidating up and downs with some gravel roads thrown in. The worst hills can be by-passed if so desired.
Along with the beautiful back roads, there will be some history to be learned. Questions can be asked about the railroads or the logging industry during a couple coffee stops. One of the more unique stops will be at a limestone plant. We are currently working on getting a bus tour underground.
If you would like to receive the tour information and registration form, please send an email to Bob Giles, tour host, at divco100b@icloud.com. If you have any questions, feel free to call Bob at 814-266-2780.
Celebrating America in Auburn
Central Spring Nationals
Auburn, IN
July 1-3, 2021
Registration Deadline: June 18
AACA is continuing the tradition of inviting other car clubs to join us at our national events and this year promises to be our biggest and best. The traditional show at Auburn Auction Park courtesy of RM Auctions will be held July 1-3 in Auburn, Indiana. Located on hundreds of acres with a LOT of asphalt and several large buildings, this property will allow us to do everything we need to do to host a safe event in a year still filled with some uncertainty due to the virus.
Auburn is the home of great car museums and wonderful countryside. The facility we use is directly off an exit on an interstate highway, so it is easy access on and off. There are plenty of hotel rooms in the vicinity as well.
Friday night we will have a cruise-in to downtown Auburn. Both the A-C-D Museum and the NATMUS Museum will stay open late for our car clubs. We expect to have a great flea market and car corral from Friday to Saturday as well and the cost for spaces is more than reasonable. Saturday’s show will allow all of the car clubs to park separately, but anyone who is an AACA member will still be eligible to get their car judged even if it is parked with the marque club. Our world-class banquet by award-winning BBQ chef Tim Johnson and family will be held again, and anyone who has been at Auburn in the past can tell you it is amazing! Tim will also be serving breakfast and lunch on Saturday.
The Hudson-Essex-Terraplane fans have been invited and they will, as we have said, display their cars in a separate area. We have also been asked to invite Buick owners and provide a separate venue for the Buick fans to have a judged event. The awards are spectacular and unlike any you have ever experienced most likely! The Buick Heritage Alliance will be supporting the show by providing these very special awards. The traditional trophy awarded at national Buick meets by The NB Center for American Automotive Heritage in Allentown will also be awarded. Buick owners do not hesitate to register as we have room for more than 1,000 cars properly spaced and room to feed everyone. (In 2019, we fed 700 people in 25 minutes!) Again, you have a chance to be judged at both the Buick display and AACA on the same day! A late addition to our event is a group of AMC owners who will also display in a separate area and can register by calling 717-534-1910 and ask for Pat Buckley.
As a bonus to all non-AACA members, we have a special $20 half-year membership you can purchase as of June 1 which will allow you to be judged by AACA. We have more than 100 classes and special classes for unrestored cars, “driver” cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc. If you would like to review our Judging Guidelines, they can be found by clicking here.
Our goal for this event is to continue our mission of helping everyone in the hobby, not just our members. This is why our library is a free library and our website hosts other car club forums for free. This is also not the first time we have hosted other cars clubs as we have done this for many years. So, please consider joining us. Information will be available online at www.aaca.org/buickshow for the Buick folks and www.aaca.org for AACA members or by calling 717-534-1910.
Important Hershey Information
By “Mac” MacAdam, Flea Market/Car Corral Registration Chairman,
 Summer registration is almost upon us for the Hershey Flea Market, Car Corral and show vehicles. To acquire space(s), you must request a registration card from AACA National Headquarters by using the Activity Card enclosed in the plastic covering of the Antique Automobile magazine (May/June issue). All requested registration materials will be mailed to you by the AACA staff after July 1.
With a show as big as Hershey, there are a lot of moving parts for our region volunteers to coordinate. Please help us by reviewing this important information:
1. On the Show Car/Special Events registration card that you request from National Headquarters you can also choose to receive Awards Banquet tickets, Ladies’ Luncheon tickets and antique car trailer parking.
2. SHOW CAR REGISTRATION ONLY: You may also register online at www.aaca.org after June 28. You must print the registration form and submit it along with your check to Hershey Region AACA, PO Box 305, Hershey, PA 17033.
3. NEW! Beginning this year, there will be a $10 parking fee for show car trailers parking on Boathouse Road. The fee covers the period of Wednesday, October 6 at 7 a.m. through Saturday, October 9 at 5 p.m. All vehicles must be removed by 5 p.m. Saturday or they will be towed per order of Derry Township Police.
4. You must return the completed registration card and check to Hershey Region. There will be a pre-addressed envelope enclosed in the packet that you request from National Headquarters. PLEASE read all of the information that accompanies your registration card(s).
5. Cards/Checks not signed will be returned for signatures and could jeopardize your request for space(s).
6. If you have a special location request, you should send a note along with your Flea Market or Car Corral registration card. Spaces are assigned by the postmark on the envelope. You can ask for your check to be returned in the event we cannot fulfill your request. If you will accept spaces anywhere, you need not send any note. (Please DO NOT write notes on the registration card.)
7. Please read ALL accompanying information that will be enclosed with the registration card(s) you receive from National Headquarters. Your signature on the card confirms you have read, understand and will obey AACA and Hershey Region rules and regulations.
8. Please pay close attention to the firm postmark deadline of August 15 on the registration card. We need ample time to make assignments, enter the data and send the information to our printer. There is a very short lead time to accomplish this task.
9. TO RESERVE & RENT A SCOOTER OR GOLF CART: ScooterBug has been contracted for the 2021 Hershey show to provide pre-reserved, single passenger ECVs and double passenger golf carts for those guests who have a valid, state-issued handicapped placard in the state in which you reside. Guests can pre-reserve this mobility equipment starting on June 1, 2021, at 9 a.m. EST. Book online at www.scooterbug.com/aaca or call 800-726-8284 directly to reserve. NOTE: Personal mobility vehicles are not registered by ScooterBug personnel. There are NO refunds under any circumstances once the payment is received and equipment is reserved.
10. YES, YOU CAN BRING YOUR OWN SCOOTER: Personal electric mobility vehicles are authorized, however they must be registered at one of the three registration areas. More information will be available in the literature you receive with your registration card.
11. Flea Market and Car Corral windshield stickers and other important information will be mailed at the end of August.
12. SALES TAX LICENSE: If you do not have a sales tax license, you can apply online here or call 717-783-1405. IMPORTANT: Do not wait for your tax license number to arrive. Send your flea market registration card and check to the Hershey Region and simply write “applied for” above the Tax ID spaces on the registration card.
Parked in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood:
What Fred Rogers Taught Us About Cars
Despite growing up in a wealthy family and being taken to school by the family driver in a Cadillac, Fred McFeely Rogers — known as Mister Rogers to most of us — never appeared to have developed a taste for exotic or expensive things. As the nationally-known host of the PBS children’s program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and perhaps one of the most universally adored public figures in the country, Fred’s personal life was strikingly modest. He seemed the least likely person you’d expect to be interested in cars.
And yet: take a wider view, and his program showed children that the automobile is a fixture in modern American life over the second half of the 20th century, introducing them to everything from seat belts to automated car washes to early EV efforts. Fred Rogers himself wasn’t much of a gearhead, but he knew just as much as anyone how much emotion can be wrapped up in a car, quietly maintaining a 1928 Ford Model A Sport Coupe over the decades that had been given to him by his parents.
In reality, a survey of the 900+ episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood indicates that Fred understood there are lots of kids (and adults) who love anything with wheels. So with help from the invaluable NeighborhoodArchive.com and a few phone calls with Rogers’ former producer Margy Whitmer and former co-star/company PR rep David Newell, let’s dive into the automotive world of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.
HVPR Members Provide Cheer and Memories to the York Convalescent Center
 Historic Virginia Peninsula Region (HVPR) AACA members Al Crane, George Maculley and Larry Munk joined with members of the Classic Cruisers Car Club of Yorktown to bring some cheer and memories to the residents of the York Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center in Yorktown, VA, on a beautiful spring morning in May.
Scranton Region Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary
Feel free to join us this summer!
On July 18, the Scranton region of the AACA will celebrate 50 years with our annual car show and flea market. It will be held on the grounds of Allied Services in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.
The club started its journey October 1971 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, by a group of nine members: William H. Smith, Jack Mueller, James Clay, William Krieg, Sydney Proper, Larry Werner, Frank McDonald, George Schumacher and Leo DeAngelo.
Through the years, the club has hosted many accomplished events including a National spring show in 1977, the first Grand National event in 1980, the 1993 Founders Tour and a divisional tour a few years later.
Our founding president William H. Smith went on to serve on the AACA Board of Directors and serve two years as AACA President, AACA Executive Director and was a leading force in the creation of the AACA Museum. Two other Scranton Region members have also served the AACA at the national level. John Walker was on the National Board of Directors and Ron Moskalczak on the museum committee.
The Scranton Region’s community outreach to many different charities has been one of our driving factors while preparing for our show activities. Allied Services programs, Operation Troop Appreciation and Alex’s Lemonade are several of the organizations we sponsor.
Currently, the club meets for workshops once weekly on Tuesdays. We are building a Model A speedster project. We plan on having this project at our show this year. Although it is still in project stage, with the frame/running gear completed, it is starting to take on the looks of a flat track speedster of the day. We also provide technical advice/repairs to our members, free of charge, to help them keep their vehicles in tiptop shape for touring. Members just need to purchase the parts required for the repair.
Big Red pulled out of one of the barns
at the Barnett home and getting ready to
make the trip south.
Getting Big Red to Mobile, AL.
The Great Race was the main topic of conversation every time the two got together. Stories were shared about their experiences — all filled with fascination and laughter. The two friends from Alabama have spent several years sharing great conversations. Stories became dreams, what ifs and we cans that filled the barns and garages they hung out in.
Darrin Dahlenburg and Sam Barnett grew up with old cars. Both have enjoyed The Great Race in different ways. Darrin was part of a support crew for an X-Cup team for several years starting in 2016. Sam served on The Great Race team in 2013 driving the catch truck and helping crews work on their cars at night. Over the course of time, the two have explored many different parts of the country and enjoyed meeting people from all over.
Darrin and Sam began looking for the perfect car. While every car they came in contact with became part of the dream, they turned out for various reasons not to be right or were priced out of range. As such, they looked into the field of cars the two currently owned.
There were some great possibilities in the Barnett Collection and Darrin had a few that fit the bill. The 1974 Buick Apollo and the 1961 Cadillac convertible were the final two contenders.
“Big Red,” the 1961 Series 62 Cadillac convertible, is no stranger to touring. Ron and Sally Barnett (Sam’s parents) drove the Cadillac in several AACA National Tours. Big Red has a big history to go with her having been ridden in by President Lyndon B. Johnson when he was Vice President. She was also featured on the cover of the May/June 2001 issue of Antique Automobile.
The 1974 Buick Apollo has been in the Dahlenburg family for over 20 years. Darrin’s daughter Bobby Sue drove the car for several years while at college. She and the car no doubt turned a few boys’ heads. The Apollo is mostly a survivor and would now need a lot of work. Thus, the logical choice turned out to be Big Red.
Big Red made her way to Mobile, Alabama, in November of 2019. Darrin spent many hours going over the Cadillac listing what would make it roadworthy for the 2020 Great Race. Items to be repaired were listed on a whiteboard that hangs in the garage. These items have slowly been crossed off. Test runs around the city and county became the norm.
Finally, it became official! Team Alabama and Big Red were registered in the 2020 Great Race starting in San Antonio, TX, and ending in Greenville, SC. The event would be held June 20-28, 2020. Darrin Dahlenburg would drive, Sam Barnett would navigate, and Paul Dagenais and Charlotte Dahlenburg would be the support crew. The car was then given the number 25.
Early on the list was long.
Now the list is almost done.
Big Red is almost ready.
Big Red at a local car show posing with a District Judge candidate.
Everybody is helping to make Big Red ready for the journey.
Days in the garage are the best, especially if you have help.
It takes two to work on some things.
Team Alabama
anywhere along
the race route!
The car was driven around Mobile to key car shows and cruise-ins to create the excitement needed to round up sponsors for the race. Then the world came to a stop. Social distancing, masks and working from home became a lifestyle everybody was trying to figure out. The race continued as planned and so did the work on the car. On May 7, 2020, it was announced that the race would be postponed until August 22-30, 2020, with a limited field and many restrictions to provide safety for the teams.
Many of the racers enjoyed the virtual race each evening when the June dates arrived. These racers would talk about the places and towns through which over 100 antique cars would travel. Each night there was a bonus prize, one for each of the three divisions — Rookie, Sportsman and Expert/Grand Championship. Winners were drawn from a hat.
The 2021 Great Race starts June 19 and ends on June 27. Team Alabama will be competing against 38 rookies in their class. It will be a monumental effort to win this class. Practice time has been limited and the lack of rallies across the country will make the quest difficult. Recently, all the rookies had a chance to participate in training via Zoom with 78 people participating.
 Team Alabama now has a new tow vehicle, a 2021 Dodge Ram 2500 with a 6.7 Cummings engine and big horn package. They also have a new open bed trailer. The team will show off Big Red with all her race stickers all the way to Texas, across the southern U.S. and back to Mobile.
You can follow Team Alabama on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/GRTeamAlabama) and meet the team at any one of the lunch or overnight stops. Don’t forget to bring your sign with #TeamAlabama on it!
Check out www.greatrace.com/route. The race begins in San Antonio, Texas. There are four cities in Texas: San Marcos, Temple, Cranbury, and Nocona. The race then moves to Sapulpa, OK, and Joplin, Rolla and Cape Girardeau, Missouri. There are four stops in Kentucky: Paducah, Owensboro, Elizabethtown and Lexington. Racers then will cross into West Virginia and stop in Huntington and Beckley. The next two stops are in Galax, Virginia, and Mooresville, North Carolina. The race will have a grand finale in Greenville, South Carolina.
Good luck, Team Alabama!!
Donate Your Video Games to the AACA Library
What place do video games have in an automotive research library? This is the question I asked myself back in 2016. Being born in the 1980s, video games were an important part of my childhood, and one of my first exposures to driving was in the form of R.C. Pro-Am for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Published in 1988, it was a whimsical game pitting players against one-another in remote-controlled cars. It was not realistic by any stretch of the imagination, but it sparked an interest in cars.
The idea for starting a video game collection was ignited by relating the medium to existing collections we had at the library. Before video games even existed, plenty of other entertainment mediums with an automotive flair were marketed to children. Examples already in our collection included films, automotive card and board games dating back to the 1920s, and several books for children and young adults. I’m sure that many of you can look back nostalgically to a particular book, movie or game that either fostered or built upon your interest in cars. Video games have earned their spot on the shelf.
With that in mind, we began collecting consoles and games from all eras and for all platforms. The collection was inaugurated with the donation of my personal Sega Genesis/Sega CD unit, which was originally released in 1989 (the CD add-on followed in 1992). I started out by scavenging independent game stores and booths at trade shows.
Eventually, we started asking for donations, and more titles and systems began pouring in. Today, we currently have a collection of 90 titles spanning 21 different platforms, from the Atari 2600 to the X-Box. We are still on the lookout for even more systems and racing & driving simulator games to add to the collection.
If you would like to help expand the collection, we are accepting donations of ALL video game systems and games, regardless of genre or whether or not we have them. We can use extra items and non-automotive games to trade in to our local independent retro video game stores in exchange for more racing titles to add to our library. If interested, please contact Librarian Matthew Hocker at mhocker@aaca.org or by calling 717-534-2082.
Interested in doing research with the AACA Library?
More information is available on our website.
You can also contact our library director, Chris Ritter,
When visiting the Hershey area,
don’t forget to visit our booth at
New Event to Support the AACA Library
or scroll all the way to the end of the
Speedster to find the answer.
Membership Corner: Let’s Remember and Honor Our Forefathers
This has been a hard year for our membership. COVID-19 and our aging membership has hit us hard, so maybe we need to take time to honor those who were in the trenches at the beginning of what has become the well-renowned and revered Antique Automobile Club of America. Thanks to their dedication and perseverance we have restored, preserved, and educated the public about our hobby.
In my home Region we have not only lost the physical bodies, but we have also lost their remarkable knowledge that they clawed and scraped to find the hard way — scouring the junk yards for parts and cherishing that piece of literature that told them the missing information to complete their finished product. These men and women pioneered the concepts that became our great club.
On this Memorial Day, please take a moment to honor them and all that they stood for. They had the foresight to see that there was a need to make a place where the public could see living history from the beginning of the vehicle transportation industry to now 1996.
How do you think they would like to be honored? In my particular case, my Dad would be glad that his Model T Ford has now been driven by four generations. It continues to host a slew of kids and adults in its seats every time it hits the road. I remember his smile and the glint in his eye when he was behind the wheel. I see that same happiness in every generation of my family that gets to experience driving or riding in the Model T.
I also know that my dad would want the AACA to continue its historic pathway into the future. I know a Model T isn’t everyone’s choice car, but neither is your 1996 Toyota pickup truck. The thing to remember is that they ALL belong in our fold, which is what makes this club the best.
I am putting forth a challenge to each Region, Chapter and member to honor your lost members by signing up a new member. Even better yet, more than one! Yes, today’s member doesn’t look like the members of old, but they share one interest, the vehicles. We have to be flexible enough to make the changes necessary to keep their interest and embrace their differences. With the fast-moving generations today, they don’t have the time to give 100%. Take what they can give and welcome them when they participate. Youngsters are interested in our hobby, so let’s bait the hook and get them aware of the great options our club offers.
Our Regions and National organization rely on you to keep us going, so do your part. Each year, every Region receives 4 free memberships to hand out. Make sure they don’t go to waste. Please do your part. Help us continue to grow in their honor.
12th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day
How Will YOU Celebrate?
If your Region/Chapter is having an activity for Collector Car Appreciation Day,
please share a few sentences and photos with us so we can publish them in Speedster.
The SEMA Action Network (SAN) announced that this year’s Collector Car Appreciation Day (CCAD) will be officially celebrated on July 9, 2021. The date marks the twelfth consecutive commemoration in what is now an annual holiday to raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society.
Intended to celebrate the classics of the past and the future, the U.S. Congress has helped launch CCAD by introducing resolutions each year at the SAN’s request. Last year, the U.S. Senate passed Senate Resolution 650 (S. Res. 650) and a similar resolution was also introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives (H. Res. 998). Each resolution was sponsored by co-chairs of the SEMA-supported Congressional Automotive Performance and Motorsports Caucus. These Congressional leaders have been strong advocates for the automotive hobby in Washington, D.C., and recognize the integral role collector cars have played in fostering our nation’s appreciation for the automobile’s unique historical place in our history.
Individuals, car clubs and business owners interested in publicizing in-person events or virtual gatherings (online event, livestream, digital gallery, etc.) may submit the details of their July celebration at no cost using this link. Participating organizers are awarded a copy of the Congressional resolution for display at their registered event. For those unable to celebrate on the official date, the SAN encourages festivities to be scheduled throughout the month of July.
Help promote this special day: download the official logo and flyer, post on social media using the hashtag #CCAD and tag the celebration’s Facebook fan page (@CollectorCarAppreciationDayCCAD).
- ATTEND an official vehicle-inspired event or web-based celebration.
- HOST your own safety-minded gathering, club meeting or online gallery.
- Promote a “HOLIDAY SALE” at your business in-store or online.
- INVITE partnerships with nearby enthusiast-related groups if possible.
- DRIVE your special ride — new or old — whatever the destination.
1973 Jeep Commando AACA Raffle
The AACA is offering raffle tickets at $10 each for a 1973 Jeep Commando. The raffle will be drawn on Saturday, October 9, at 2 p.m. at the 2021 AACA Eastern Fall Nationals in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The winner need not be present to win, so why not try your luck?
or call AACA National Headquarters at 717-534-1910 and we will take your credit card over the phone.
This one-owner vehicle was donated to the AACA by the late Thomas Konorosky, who was a member of the Flood City Region AACA. Tom joined the AACA and the Flood City Region AACA in 1974. He was a very active, dedicated member, and he held the positions of treasurer and director for many years. He attended all local events, and he never failed to attend the Hershey show since the time he joined National.
In 1973, Tom ordered and purchased the Jeep new at Stagers Chevrolet and Jeep in Portage, Pennsylvania. The Jeep Commando was produced by American Motors. It is a soft-top Commando convertible.
Tom rarely put the top down because he wanted to keep it clean. This Jeep is in excellent original condition and has never been painted. It has low mileage, and it was never involved in an accident. It was never driven off-road. Because of the warm summers and freezing winter climate in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, he always stored the vehicle in a garage. Tom meticulously maintained this vehicle. When he arrived home from a show, he immediately cleaned the Jeep and covered it.
The Jeep often sparked the interest of the younger generation at the shows he attended. This was one of several antiques that Tom owned, and upon his death, he donated his collection of five vehicles to the AACA.
Click here for a flyer you can share with others to promote this raffle.
Attention AACA Judges: New June Newsletter Available Now
 The June 2021 issue of The Judge newsletter will be mailed to all active judges next week. Click here to preview a digital copy.
This issue includes information and registration forms for the following shows:
- 2021 Western Fall Nationals – Loveland, CO
- 2021 Southeastern Fall Nationals – Greenville, SC
- 2021 Eastern Fall Nationals – Hershey, PA
- 2021 Special Western Nationals – Phoenix, AZ
Just a reminder that you can also register to judge online on the AACA website here.
Not a current judge, but interested in becoming one? Just attend one of the Judging Schools at any of the Nationals to get started.
Come Experience “Minnesota Nice” For Yourself
Grand Nationals
New Ulm, MN
July 22-24, 2021
Registration Deadline: July 8
From the members of the Minnesota Region AACA, welcome to the scenic Minnesota River Valley. New Ulm, called “the most German city in America,” welcomes you to come and experience all the area has to offer. Enjoy the second oldest family brewery in America, New Ulm’s unique shops and German heritage and you will find “Minnesota Nice” during your visit. For more information about the area, visit newulm.com.
Our show field will be at the Brown County Fairgrounds. Meet Hermann the German as he visits the show field and picks his favorite! And, don’t forget that this year’s Zenith competition will be happening on Friday, July 23, during our event.
Chair: Linda Rempfer
Registration: Kim Gardner
Check Out These Upcoming AACA Events…
Revival AAA Glidden Tour Celebrates 75th Anniversary
Start of the 1909 Glidden Tour with George Schuster
at the wheel of the Thomas “Press Car” |
Revival AAA Glidden Tour
Hosted by VMCCA
Saratoga Springs, NY
September 12-17, 2021
Registration Deadline: June 30
Join in the fun as the 75th Anniversary of the Glidden Tour takes to the scenic roads of upstate New York and enjoy the fall splendor of the Adirondack Mountains. We will even be covering some of the same route as taken in the 1906 Glidden!
The celebration of this classic tour’s history will be highlighted as Jeff Mahl takes you back to 1906, ’07 and ’09, when George Schuster (Jeff’s great grandfather) participated in the early days of automobile touring and the start of the historic Glidden Tours! With original pictures and very early film, experience what it was really like to “tour” over 115 years ago. Share George’s recollections of his fellow competitors including Percy Pierce, Charles Glidden, and even stunts the “Press Boys” played to liven things up.
To be eligible for the tour, you must be a member of AACA (Antique Automobile Club of America) or VMCCA (Vintage Motor Car Club of America).
Registration forms are to be mailed to Nancy Huffman, Registrar. Registration ends June 30 or until filled. Hotel information will be provided upon notification of acceptance to the tour.
Click here to download an information packet and registration form.
Hotel Reservations Can Now Be Made for the Las Vegas 2022 Show
In 10 short months, the Las Vegas Region AACA will be welcoming you to Lake Las Vegas for the 2022 Western Spring Nationals. This National show will be held from March 10-12, so mark your calendars now. In fact, early hotel reservations can actually be made right now — just mention the AACA to get the special hotel rates. Online reservations are also available.
 Here’s the hotel information:
Hilton Resort on Lake Las Vegas
1610 Lake Las Vegas Pkwy
Henderson, Nevada 89011
Phone: 702 567-4700, code AACA
The Las Vegas Region has just planned an official tour of the Hoover Dam as an optional excursion during the show. The Hoover Dam is located only 20 miles from the hotel.
Rising 726.4 feet, Hoover Dam was the world’s tallest dam when it was built in the 1930s. Hoover Dam’s power plant was the world’s largest hydroelectric station from 1939 to 1949. Today, because of a drought the Colorado River basin has experienced for the past decade-and-a-half, Lake Mead has dropped to its lowest level since it was first filled in the 1930s.
And, as another enticement to make your trip a mini vacation, there are two championship golf courses at Lake Las Vegas very close to the hotel. Click here for more information.
If you have any interest in possibly attending this show or have any questions, please contact Michael Fecchino at 702-301-8649 or ChevyFordPly@gmail.com.
Do You Have an AACA Approved Car Sign for Your Car?
This is the only approved AACA car show sign and is intended for use at AACA events. These signs are only available to AACA members and are custom created to tell your vehicle’s story and history.
 Please allow 3-4 weeks for the production of your sign from start to finish. Signs are 16.5″ tall and 12″ wide and are made of hard plastic to withstand the elements. The signs cost $30 plus shipping, and an image can be added to your sign for an additional $5.
Contact Stacy at AACA Headquarters if you would like to have a sign made: szimmerman@aaca.org or 717-534-1910.
Reminder About AACA National Printed Calendars
 We just wanted to remind those of you who have the printed 2021 AACA National Calendars that some of the event dates are incorrect because events were moved after the calendars were printed.
Always refer to the event calendar here in Speedster and on the AACA website for the most up-to-date information.
Get a Friend to Join AACA for Only $25!
It seemed like the year 2020 would never end, but here we are almost halfway through 2021 already. We keep getting closer to the “new normal” that we have all been waiting for. It’s time to get out and enjoy the antique auto hobby again. Woo-hoo!
Do you know anyone that would enjoy going to a car show? Maybe you know someone that would enjoy the Antique Automobile magazine. This is an excellent time to encourage them to join AACA. New members can join the club now and pay only $25 for the second half of 2021. They can test the AACA waters now for half the price. By the end of the year, we hope they will be ready to dive in for a full year of membership in 2022!
Starting in June, we will begin to process ½ year memberships. The ½ year membership allows new members to join the club for the second half of the member year and pay half the yearly membership fee. The ½ year membership includes the months of June through December at a cost of only $25.
Starting June 1, all eligible new membership applications will be processed as 2021 ½ year memberships. Applications received with a $45 payment June 1 through September 30 will be refunded $20.
REMEMBER: The ½ year membership is for first-time new members only!
The ½ year members receive three bi-monthly issues of Antique Automobile magazine (July/August, Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec).
Starting in October, unless a new member requests otherwise, we will cease to process 2021 ½ year memberships. All new membership applications will be applied to the 2022-member year.
New members applying for membership during the time of October to December will receive the Nov/Dec 2021 and all 2022 issues of Antique Automobile.
If you have any questions regarding the ½ year membership program, feel free to contact me.
Attention AACA Regions/Chapters: Don’t forget to use the complimentary 2021 membership applications sent to each Region/Chapter. If you have not used these, please do so by September 30, 2021.
Do You Know a Military Veteran Who Would Like to be an AACA Member?
The Military Sponsorship Program is available to all of the Military Veterans that have proudly served to protect our homeland and freedoms. With this program, AACA is extending a limited number of complimentary 2021 memberships for first-time AACA applicants. More information on this program and an application can be found on the AACA website under member information and drop down to Military, or simply click here.
 These complimentary 2021 memberships are for first-time AACA applicants and are limited by the funds available for this program. These complimentary applications for membership are intended for individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique car hobby.
AACA hosts online forums! AACA hosts a massive online forum area on our website that you can read and/or join in on the conversations on all sorts of topics. People post some really interesting material and pictures on an everyday basis. If you haven’t used the forums before, just use the sign-up button in the upper right corner to create your user account. Anyone can join the online forums and it’s completely free.
AACA has Facebook! What better way to connect with each other during these times than through social media? AACA has an official Facebook page for club information and events. We also have an extremely active Facebook group, where group members post, asks questions and discuss everything and anything car-related. LIKE our Facebook page and ask to JOIN our Facebook group. Don’t forget to connect with the AACA Library on their official Facebook page as well.
Be sure to use these hashtags: #DrivingHistory, #AACA, #AntiqueAutomobileClubofAmerica, #Hershey, #AACAHershey, #AACAproud, #AACAstrong
AACA Calendar Spotlight
Would you like registration information and materials about any of these 2021 National Activities? You can:
1. Fill out the activity request card
that came with the last issue of
Antique Automobile magazine
and mail it in to us.
2. Sign into the members only area of the AACA website to print your own registration form and brochure.
3. Call us at AACA Headquarters and we will fill out a request for you
and mail you the materials.
Call 717-534-1910 Mon-Fri from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
2021 AACA National Activities
June 2-5
Eastern Divisional Tour – Eastern Shore of MD
June 3-5 (rescheduled)
Annual Convention – Williamsburg, VA
June 17-19
Eastern Spring Nationals – Saratoga Springs, NY
July 1-3 (rescheduled)
Central Spring Nationals – Auburn, IN
July 9
Collector Car Appreciation Day
July 11-16
Vintage Tour – Lock Haven/Wellsboro, PA
July 22-24
Grand Nationals – New Ulm, MN
REMINDER: Your 2021 membership
dues MUST be paid prior to registering
for any 2021 National Activities.
Aug 13-14
Western Fall Nationals – Loveland, CO
Sep 9-11
Southeastern Fall Nationals – Greenville, SC
Sep 12-17
Revival AAA Glidden Tour® (VMCCA) – Saratoga Springs, NY
October 6-9
Eastern Fall Nationals – Hershey, PA
October 11-15
Southeastern Divisional Fall Tour – Mt. Airey, NC
October 18-22
Central Divisional Tour – Broken Arrow, OK
November 11-13
Special Western Nationals – Phoenix, AZ
Nov 14-17
Western Divisional Tour – Metropolitan Phoenix & Central AZ
2022 AACA National Activities
April 21-23, 2022 (rescheduled)
Special Dual Nationals – San Juan, Puerto Rico
local Region & Chapter events and much more!
Who Do You Contact at AACA Headquarters for What?
Have you ever wondered who to contact for what when you call or email AACA Headquarters? Here is a list of the current staff and their responsibilities. By clicking on someone’s name below, you can email them directly.
Membership & Merchandise
Accounting, IT & Website
Advertising & Marketing
Speedster Editor
Office Administration
Antique Automobile Magazine Editor
Library, Research & Cataloging
Naturally, many of the staff have the capability of answering questions in each other’s area as we try to cross train as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime for assistance. The phone number for AACA National Headquarters is 717-534-1910 if you would prefer to call us.
Trivia Answer 
When Studebaker and Pierce-Arrow came together in 1928, Studebaker was suppling light and medium duty trucks. Pierce was producing heavy-duty units.
SPA (Studebaker-Pierce-Arrow) was the short-lived commercial vehicle division for the combined company (through 1933, when Pierce reverted back to independent ownership). From ½ to 6-ton models were offered.
The Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is the country’s premier resource for the collectible vehicle community. Since its formation in 1935, the Club, through its national office, publications, and membership, aids individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of automotive history.